Does your final draft need a second pair of eyes?
We cross-check details, correct punctuation, and review for typographical and grammatical errors, while adhering to the author’s style.
Do you have an audio or video recording that you would like transcribed?
We offer reliable transcription services for technical and business needs including interviews, podcasts, presentations, lectures, or meetings. Transcription services are available in English only. Rates are dependent on audio quality and total number of audio minutes.
Do the words on your page seem tired?
We provide guidance on strengthening your ideas, enhancing sentence flow, and reorganizing paragraphs to ensure smooth transitions and clear messaging.
Do you need suggested edits for your content?
We evaluate content for readability, and provide recommendations on word choice, language style, and consolidation of repetitive ideas.
Do your documents require standardization?
We concisely format your content, revising its length to adhere to specific word counts. Special attention is given to font size, color, style, and layout.
Formatting will follow APA or MLA style guidelines, unless otherwise noted. Please provide specific instructions (i.e., application guidelines, letter requirements) during the initial consultation session.
Deborah is a seasoned writer with a decade of professional experience in editing, formatting, and document development. She has expertise in grantsmanship, business pitches and requests for proposals, website messaging, and content writing. She consults with a diverse portfolio of corporate and private clients including marketing, IT, law, education, manufacturing, and art appraisal companies. Deborah earned both a bachelor of arts degree in Communication and a master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California. She is the author of two children’s books and a literary fiction novel.